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En DANCING IN MY HOUSE vas a encontrar todo lo perteneciente a la música house, dance, electro, sus eventos, festivales, charts, artistas, etc.

DANCING IN MY HOUSE es una web promocional para los sellos discográficos y los dj's que quieran dar a conocer sus nuevos trabajos.En ningún caso se basa en fomentar las descargas ilegales no reconocidas por el artista. Todos los links de descarga de esta web han sido aprobados por los Sellos Discográficos o por los Dj's para su publicación. Da soporte al artista comprando el material original.

In DANCING IN MY HOUSE you will find everything pertaining to house, dance, electronic music, events, artists...

DANCING IN MY HOUSE is a promotional web for the Records Labels and the Dj's that want to announce their new tracks. On no case it is based in fomenting the illegal downloads not recognized by the artist. All the download links in this web have been approved by the Record Labels or by the Dj's for his publication.All the links are for promotional reason. Support the artist buying the original material.